Joey - The Complete First Season (2004~2005)

by Yukio (Bob) Fukuda

4 Jul, 2006

About DVD-Box

価格: 36.99US$
Disc数: 4
合計時間: 524min
販売元: Warner Bros Home Entertainment
発売日: 30 May, 2006
エンコード: Region 1
画面サイズ: Full Screen (Aspect Ratio 1.33:1)
音声: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
字幕: Espanol, Francais, Closed Caption (English)
ISBN: 1-4198-1622-5
UPN: 012569728448



Friendsの人気キャラクタJoeyが,役者としてのキャリアを積むため,Hollywoodへ渡る.そこでの新生活で待ち受けるのは,成功か.それともいつものJoeyな生活か・・・.Season 1 DVDセット.


外箱: 普通の背中抜き紙箱
外箱裏側: Showの概要と特典映像の内容
Slimcase: 2枚収納タイプ. 表裏,各DiscのEpisode summary


まあまあ美しいPicture disc.

Disc 1: Gina Tribbiani
Disc 2: Michael Tribbiani
Disc 3: Alex Garrett
Disc 4: Bobbie Moraganstern


Main menu
BGM: ほんわかした曲
背景: Open carに乗っているJoey.後ろで色々動いています
Link: Play, Episodes, Subtitles

On the DVD

Disc 1: #1.1~5 (2:17:37)
#1.1 Pilot (27:22)
#1.2 Joey and the Student (23:45)
#1.3 Joey and the Party (21:34)
#1.4 Joey and the Book Club (21:39)
#1.5 Joey and the Perfect Storm (21:39)
#1.6 Joey and the Nemesis (21:38)

Disc 2: #1.7~14 (2:08:17)
#1.7 Joey and the Husband (21:39)
#1.8 Joey and the Dream Girl - Part 1 (21:40)
#1.9 Joey and the Dream Girl - Part 2 (20:46)
#1.10 Joey and the Big Audition (21:40)
#1.11 Joey and the Road Trip (21:14)
#1.12 Joey and the Plot Twist (21:19)

Disc 3: #1.13~18 (2:09:10)
#1.13 Joey and the Taste Test (21:39)
#1.14 Joey and the Premiere (21:39)
#1.15 Joey and the Assistant (21:39)
#1.16 Joey and the Tonight Show (20:55)
#1.17 Joey and the Valentine's Date (21:39)
#1.18 Joey and the Wrong Name (21:39)

Disc 4: #1.19~24 (2:09:13)
#1.19 Joey and the Fancy Sister (21:29)
#1.20 Joey and the Neighbor (21:09)
#1.21 Joey and the Spying (21:39)
#1.22 Joey and the Temptation (21:39)
#1.23 Joey and the Breakup (21:39)
#1.24 Joey and the Moving In (21:38)




Chapter数: 5
Selection Menu: なし
Opening Credit後 設定: 2nd
End Credit前 設定: 4th
End of Title 設定: 5th